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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOX News  September 30, 2012 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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my son will be jealous. >> it matches my dress. >> you are welcome. >> it has taken me two weeks to give them to you. >> we'll see you next week everyone. fox alert this morning, new fallout over the deadly attack at the u.s. consulate in libya. top lawmakers are demanding answers from the obama administration exactly what happened that night in benghazi and why the f.b.i. still can't get in to investigate the september 11th attacks more than two weeks later. this as we're learning more details how relaxed security appear to have been there. good morning. >> jamie: i'm jamie colby. it's always great to have you here. that deadly terror attack killed
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four americans, u.s. ambassador chris stevens, two former navy seals and information management officer. peter doocy is live with more on the ongoing investigation. what is the latest. >> reporter: the latest is f.b.i. agents are still within not the city limits of benghazi. so the investigation into the attack has not fully started yet even though it's been 19 days since the attacks. republican senator bob corker who sits on the foreign relations committee is curious that thought it was safe enough for u.s. ambassador to have such lighted security three weeks ago but not safe enough for our best and brightest investigators to work under heavy guard. he wrote a letter to james clapper what has changed in libya that even f.b.i. agents, our most elite personnel cannot
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safely enter the city. what has led to a decline and unwillinglessness to provide answers and inaccuracy of information we have received has undermined the credibility of the administration. the chairman of the house committee peter king echoed that sentiment. that the time for the f.b.i. to do their best work to do their best work in benghazi has come and come. >> that crime scene has been totally compromised. f.b.i. has not been able to get there. the whole idea of relying on the f.b.i. goes back to pre-9/11 mentality where we are treating these crimes rather than acts of terrorism. >> reporter: two days ago james carney said i can tell you that the president is determined as he said many times that the perpetrators of the attacks that cost four american lives including our ambassador be brought to justice.
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he will insist that the agencies of his administration will take all necessary action. on friday an f.b.i. spokesman says they are moving forward with their investigation although he wouldn't say where the agents are specifically, just they are not right now in benghazi. >> jamie: that does seem clear. peter doocy, thank you so much. >> in the more two weeks since the attack, obama administration has offered several different versions of exactly what happened there. what needs to be done to move forward? joining us here in new york is john bolton who is also a fox news contributor and joins us about this time every single sunday. what happened to ambassador chris stevens is so needless and unnecessary. why wasn't security up to standards? why such an apparent failure? >> there is simply no doubt when
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four americans are killed there is a security failure. whatever happened after people can debate, but this was a failure. now was it because the ambassador had asked for security and had been denied? or is it because the administration simply believed its own rhetoric that libya was fine, that there was no al-qaeda threat, that the war on terror was over? we don't know the answer. i think the members of congress unanimously all members of foreign relations committee and we need answered to the questions. >> you have been in some of the tough spots around the world. what kind of security should have been and what you would expect as a representative of our nation? >> it's important that our diplomats be able to get out and do their job and not be able to locked in a security bubble. obviously here it wasn't enough. to give you viewers a comparison. when i was new york ambassador, when i went outside the
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residence, at least three diplomatic security personnel. that was in new york. ambassador stevens had one in benghazi. two navy seals were doing something else when they came to the defense of their fellow americans. they were not assigned to the ambassador. he had one person in an incredibly dangerous environment. >> so basically he was sitting duck? >> some of the reports we heard that the ambassador's position, his location was betrayed by the libyan security guard, loyal to terrorist outfit. it shows how bad it was. >> so so do you think the administration can be too trusting, there is freedom in libya, khadafy is gone and just think nothing like this would ever happen? >> absolutely. unfortunately it's probably true not only in the context of libya take the invasion of embassy in
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cairo where our flag was put up and al-qaeda flag was put up. egyptian government didn't fulfill its obligations but the embassy was sending out messages as we recall trying to appease he demonstrators. i think this mindset permeated the administration and the state department. i think that was one of reasons that our adversaries saw vulnerability. what does it mean for the broader issue of american foreign policy? >> i think the subsequent events was there a cover-up because of politically inconvenient that al-qaeda's is surging and war on terror is not over? is it the obama's administration ideological blinders unable to process the information. >> is it fair to blame the administration whatever information they had on the ground at the time, do you
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believe it could be a cover-up or they were dealing with the information as it happens? >> if that is all the information they had, it wasn't enough. did they not feel important to deploy enough intelligence resources to uncover the information? we don't have need for a lot of intelligence potential terrorist attacks in iceland but egypt and libya are quite different. so i don't pin this on lower rankings officials. this is the president's responsibility. what do you think should be done? >> i think we need a new president. unless this world view, we get a more realistic assessment of the threat that the united states faces and officials and diplomats face and private citizens face in the middle east we'll never have an effective policy. you can't base an effective policy on delusion. >> you have been an advisor to
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romney campaign, how could a new president change this? >> you can't dig out of a hole quickly. i think it's got to be made clear to all the governments we do note accept their failure to protect our people. i think we have to have substantial increased intelligence throughout the region. we have to show to everybody that we still believe that there is a war on terror. certainly the terrorists haven't stopped. and we're going to stop some of the main sources of it, iranian funding of terrorists and others. >> you are a diplomat. you have been an ambassador for many years. what does it mean to you when chris stevens is murdered in cold blood? >> it's a terrible tragedy. it shows the vulnerability of americans out on point in a variety of different places. we focus on our service members and well we should because so many of them have paid the ultimate sacrifice. many other americans,
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contractors and government employees are just as much as risk. that is why the view people hold of america in the world is so important. if they respect us or fear us i think we're better off. if they this think we are weak, it invites this kind of tragedy. >> jamie: thank you. the mother of a navy seal that was killed at consulate is voicing her frustration over the investigation. tyrone woods' mom taking to facebook, quote, it has been 16 days and the f.b.i. has yet to get to benghazi to begin their investigation. meanwhile, the diplomatic out post where they died was not and is not secured, absolutely unacceptable, she says. he was reportedly killed while helping dozens of people helping escape the consulate.
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right now president obama and governor romney are getting ready for this week's big battle. first presidential debate. our next guest says it's the last cans to make that first impression. governor romney needs to figure out how to appear aggressive but nice while the president needs to avoid missteps. john fund is co-author of "who is counting?" great to see you. i was going to ask you first. is it a question when it comes to a first debate of first impression, what is the impact? >> for the challenger in this case, mitt romney it's very important because a lot of american people have only seen soundbites of him. this is almost like a job application. the first time the american people are going to be able seeing mitt romney for 90 minutes straight. therefore, it's very important he make a good i am presenting.
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for the president. this is president that was elected on enormous upsurge, hope and change in 2008. economy the sour. he has to recapture that and explain to the american people why they should waited longer for hope and change. >> jamie: what do you think is the most critical question that each of them has to be asked and answered? >> for mitt romney, think it's going to be, do you have a plan that is going to be any better than what we have now? how specifically will you get the economy moving and jobs created? it's one thing to criticize the president but what are you going to do. for the president, all the economic advisors said it was going to be better now. what miscalculations were made. the president's speech in charlotte wasn't specific. what specifically is going to second term going to be different. >> jamie: it was pretty safe bet the question of foreign policy
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would be answered by president obama with discussions of getting bin laden and beginning to withdraw troops. the fact that we have not had a major attack here on our soil. when it comes to that what about libya and impact on the president and his ability to say my foreign policy worked? >> of course the first debate is strictly on domestic policy. it's possible foreign policy will come in through the side door, but effectively we're going to have wait for a future debate which i think is october 16th. by then we may know what went in libya. >> jamie: when it comes to the negative ads that we're seeing. it's getting nasty. how do you make your point at this particular debate for each of them without appearing too nasty, who has the better shot at that? >> i think the president's job
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is to make mitt romney look like a cold tech no accurate. and basically the president will say he lacks empathy with the average american. for mitt romney it's going to be emphasize confidence. everything he has tried he has succeeded in, olympics, governor of governor of massachusetts. need a new person to take over the job because the current incumbent isn't doing the job properly. >> jamie: on domestic policy if they stick to the facts, who do you predict wins? >> audiences fax for in these debates in a variety of ways. it's not like a debating judge scoring points. it's the overall impression you make. the most important thing for each side is to avoid a big gaffe where every sound by the focuses on that. that is one thing you wanted to
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avoid. there is a delicate balance to be prepared, you don't want to appear like a robot but you want to make sure you don't slip up. >> jamie: who is watching and what impact does it have on the american vote? >> when the first presidential debate started with kennedy-nixon 50 years ago, over 60% of television were watching the debate. now it's down to a quarter to 30% of television but that is still a lot of people because some of the people who haven't made up their minds minds they are going to base their decision on the debates. this is about as much attention they are going to pay to the race. it's not the size of the audience, it's in who is in the audience. >> jamie: this is superbowl, this is going to be our olympics fox, we'll have wall to wall coverage. thanks for your thoughts today.
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>> as they prepare for the debates this coming weeks. vice presidential candidates are out on the trail. biden and paul ryan stumping in critical battleground states. chris wallace sat down for an exclusive one-on-one interview with congressman ryan. what he has to say about u.s. policies in the middle east, iran and the economy. >> jamie: plus we know that peanut allergies can be fatal in some cases, they can really make you sick. they are especially dangerous for children with peanut allergies. alarming information about why peanut allergies in kids are on the rise, sunday house calls coming up. ♪
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>>. >> eric: republican vice presidential candidate paul ryan sits down for a fox news exclusive with chris wallace. to talk about things from iran and israel to the economy. mitt romney's strategy for the all important debate against president obama. >> i think what people are going to see who is mitt romney. what kind of president he is going to be and what choices.
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that is what matters, i know what president obama has done, i know ail the empty promises and i know about the ugly stagnant economy. what is romney and paul ryan is offering. if we get that out of wednesday, the country will understand what the choices are. >> eric: good morning. 72 hours before the debate and mr. ryan laid it all out. >> chris: i suspect he didn't give all the secrets away but he says romney has to make eight choice. it would seem obvious but up until now the komz campaign has been talking about a referendum on obama, it's all about obama's record and they have to show that romney is a credible alternative. now, they are saying, no. it's a choice between obama's record and plan for the future
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which they say are stagnation for the economy and dependency by more and more people versus romney's plan for opportunity and growth. they clearly decided it has to be contrasting visions why obama is wrong and they claim romney is right. i think you'll see a lot of that on wednesday night. >> eric: they estimate 5 million americans will be watching. how important is it on wednesday? could it be the turning point in this race on wednesday night? >> i don't think people are saying, romney has to land a knockout blow, i don't think it has to happen. the polls seem to indicate and from top officials feel that obama is leading at this point is that the end of the night on wednesday night a lot of voters, millions of voters have to say,
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gee, i thought i was for obama but i'm not so sure. think don't have to put a yard sign for mitt romney on their front lawn. they need to sort of say, i thought i knew i was for but i'm not sure. if that happened and that would be enough for mitt romney. >> eric: what should we look for? should we watch for iconic line, are you better off than four years ago? >> i think from romney's point of view, he has to do a couple of things. he has to make the case as to why obama's record is wrong which won't be news. he has to address the concern that a lot of people have and 47% video didn't help that he would favor the rich over the middle-class. he has to explain why his economic plan would actually help the middle-class is the best plan for the middle-class. it's not just about protecting romney's rich friends. farce is the president is
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concerned, if its wash, that is fine. he doesn't need to score an knockout blow. if it's a tie he comes out ahead. i think he'll go after romney and make that same pointed that romney's plans is protecting the rich. and also, this is key since the democratic convention, they seem to have gotten people to feel more optimistic about the economy. polls indicate that people are not as pessimistic about the economy he has to keep up that belief. >> eric: that sounds like it's fascinating interview. we can't wait until wednesday night. >> me, too. this is one of those moments, no scripts, you want to see what happens. >> eric: get the popcorn, get the pillows. you can get a preview of the debate with congressman paul ryan, that is later today. fox news sunday at 2:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. eastern time right here. >> jamie: and while we wait for that. there is a possible breakthrough
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we want you know about in the fight of breast cancer. what scientists found that could lead to more effective treatment against that disease. also new concerns about the dramatic rise we're seeing in peanut allergies especially in children. why it is happening to so many kids and what we all need to do to prevent them from getting sick. sunday house calls is coming up next. of hardest-working, smoothest-riding.lass it's got the most torque, the smoothest suspension, the best storage, class-leading comfort, and a revolutionary collection of versatile accessories. it's built on everything we've learned creating the world's best-selling utility side-by-sides. introducing the all new 60-horsepower ranger xp 900, a whole new class of hardest-working, smoothest-riding.
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. >> eric: it's the time for sunday house calls. joining is us is mark siegle. >> jamie: wait. there is more. dr. david samadi, vice president of urology at mounted sinai
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medical center. ready to go. >> there was a break. a major one in the fight against breast cancer this week. scientists found four major classes of the disease and hope l it will lead to more effective treatment. how promising is this? >> this is appraisal a breakthrough. we are talking about the cancer genome network. we are looking at cancer differently. it's all about genetics. we are looking at dna, which is programming to tell cells how to behave. they public about the nature what is going wrong with the genetic programming. they discovered with breast cancer and tomorrow prostate cancer awareness month and move on to breast cancer awareness. >> jamie: i mean women and men should be more aware. >> what this those there a


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